Tuesday, October 1, 2013

just to be the poet who wrote a hundred words

Now that I have my mood music trilogy, I shall successfully create the hundred word poem!


the number of each
people will part from
water call all oil but
then your word made
you into time,
many more than
long down or
go see it out
her his said
that they was there
if a first find
how now?
which is by up
its been about
what were with
these as some one
could look at an are
did on
he she has had
so I use
them when
no way
we can not make do
and come get him
for my other to
write like two
be in this
who would have
their may day

Man, that took foreeeevveeerrrr. First I had to figure out what I hadn't used from the list and when I finally had it all in place Word told me I had 102 words. ARRG. Took me forever to hunt down the repeated words.

(Freaks and Geeks)


  1. i am embarrassing to admit that the first time visited this post, my eyeballs were too distracted by either the "just to be the poet who wrote a hundred words" versus "THIS HAS NO TITLE" or the freeky-geeking auto-erotic asphyxiation that i missed the entirely Blood Bros inspiring eargold links and now it's the only lifejuice sustaining my gradingself! so thankies!

    1. I can only listen to the Blood Bros when I'm working on assignments now. I regret nothing.
