Tuesday, October 15, 2013

this post contains naughty language!


Hando Calrizian

"Hey buuudy, check out my gunnnnn."
kinda sounds like Bruce Campbell. Or is that just me.

methanol is best alcohol
update Matt's Wikipedia page to his full name-Mattrick P. Lesbian Sloan

"Every time I stop it, I'm like, I have a super power." "Called Hand."

"Humpty-Dumpty, when did you join Al-Qaeda?"
"Ein Volk! Ein Reich! Ein Rooster!"
I know you were toasting for me
"I can't hear you, I have a phone in my ear."

1:21 how I like my women
sorta looks like a creepy matt dilion..

farts are funny,  but you guys are even more so

"Where's my burger?"
"Burger, Fuckface, and The Other One".
"Wrong way, fuckface."

what beer do you guys recommend as my first legal drink?
how much liquor pour video did you guys consume
"Fuck off Cat, I'm busy."

amp up the creep factor...
but was too distracted by that mustache

does that mean we can call him Hando Calrizian?

Everyone seems a bit fuzzy.
Lesbian & The Other One (:

Aaron looks like Snake Plissken

alone /cries into beard
"what a tough time i'm having"
"Wait, YOU"RE no lesbian!"
how are your livers doing?
"Oh shit. Wow."

Can we do a kickstarter for Dylan's Ritalin?

I do miss the sex with Craig though
something to do with drunkeness and rage
"I told you, we already have Fuck Insurance."

I see a pirate, a French beatnik, a magician and a poet laureate
Apolonious christ!
"Wrong heaven, Fuckface."

Oh look its Elle Driver! No no wait... it's only Aaron

"I say to you, now more than ever, 'Bok...bok...BOK!'"

There was no "Folks!" How do we know it's over?

This one has a lot of quotes because I took it from the comments section of a YouTube video and people loves them some quoting.

1 comment:

  1. uhm, right. was the video called "Hando Calrizian"? because that's racist.

    okay, that judgment of mine was racist. why isn't anyone stopping me from writing all this!?

    there's a lot of golden lines in this flarfish poem. like it's inspiration, a string of YouTube comments, the stanzas collect crafty callbacks: the name Aaron, drunkenness, "volks", the Other One... gives the reader a pseudo-structure, confidence in the language's architecture, comfort in the almost-patterns.

    and like your "First World Problems" this one ends with a semi-aware, meta-state question. do we? is it? every line in the poem offers a "really?", whether or not it ends with a question mark.

    did it make me "laugh out loud"? sure it did. did it make me want to "re-read" it? yup. did it give me "hope" that the world is moving towards universal peace and will eventually be harmonious and glory? nope, not at all! like good flarf, it gifts readers with the truth of our world, revealing how real people use our shared medium, and actually, how many people are using it more effectively/creatively than most poets! despair! thanks!
