Wednesday, September 25, 2013

more to inspire my empire: Camilla d'Errico

WARNING: I don't have too much longer before I have to go so I won't be writing a poem based on this shindig, but I did want to put this up. Poem draft will probably be tomorrow!

Camilla d'Errico

Remember when people put those gel skin things on all their electronic devices? I totally do. Anywhozzles, there I was browsing through the website when I stumbled onto Camilla d'Errico's work.

Gelaskins page for Camilla d'Errico

I sort of hate the bio on her page because it states that her start as being an artist was "unusual" seeing as she started in comics. WTF?! No! Comics are definitely art, you buttheads! But, that is another discussion.

At the time, she only had two pieces up and thus I went down the Google rabbit hole to find more of her pieces. I have a whole folder of images from years and two computers ago. It seems she has several new pieces since the last time I went on there judging by that Gelaskins page.

I've always enjoyed her work because it has this Disney Princess quality to it and then taking that and twisting it around whether it be through the expression on the girl's face or by the absurd creatures resting on her head. They intrigue me and ask me to tell a story about each of these girls. Do they have their own fairy tale? I have not yet thought of an interesting way to put this concept into poetry, but perhaps the next reading will give me some inspirations on how to go about this!

Camilla d'Errico's Website

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